
I Never Thought...

... bubbles would become my enemy. Usually I find them charming. Children blowing them into each others faces always puts a smile on my face. I had them at my wedding instead of rice because they are so so friendly. When I learned to scuba dive, my favorite part was the bubbles coming off of everyone. There was something magical about how the bubbles reflected the sunlight from the surface and sparkled when they gurgled up over our heads.

Then I discovered resin. I looked at websites and books before buying all the supplies. I remember the passages about bubbles showing up. Bubbles? No big deal. How hard could playing with resin be? I've been making belt buckles and having so much fun designing them. But... But I have to check on everything constantly. I have a straw I carry with me when I've been making things with resin so I can go blow on the bubbles every few minutes. I will pop them all and feel very self satisfied until I go to check on my pieces again. More bubbles. Where in the hell do they come from? Is it the chemical reaction causing them or do I keep battling unseen air pockets?

Can you be a bubble magnet? I have been dreaming of giant bubbles chasing me down the street and I dropped my magic straw down a manhole. I think maybe I should take a break and go back to something that needs less babysitting... Ha! I'm not sure anything like that exists. It took me 45 minutes to write this just because I kept getting up to blow on my belt buckles.

I'm just as obsessive about all the mediums I work with. I keep figuring a light bulb will go off and I will have a solution to the never ending bubbles. I'm pretty sure that I missed something in one of those books about battling bubbles. Something about swords and flamethrowers. Maybe a canon or two.


Only a Month to Go

Anyone who follows what is going on in the Etsy world has probably heard of the Last Friday Trunk Shows. Etsy Labs invites different street teams to have shows at their place in Brooklyn on the last Friday of the month. I've heard mixed things about it but then again that happens with anything that is new and working out the kinks. Anyway, the Texas street team is invited for the last Friday and Saturday in September and I decided to go in person. Can't really afford it but I love New York and have never tromped around Brooklyn so I'm excited. If I sell some stuff great, if not, well, I'm in New York :) I haven't traveled outside the state in awhile so I'm looking forward to it. I'm trying to compile a list of places to visit, both for myself and to see if I can get my stuff in some shops up there. I'm taking suggestions. I know I still have a few weeks but I'm getting excited. So take a look at the poster I designed. Hopefully you'll see it around :)