
Austin Handmade Market

The market is going on this Saturday, April 11th from 12 pm-6 pm at 507 West Mary Street (next to the Soup Peddler.) The weather should hold during the day and give everyone a great head start on shopping for Mother's Day and Father's Day. I didn't attend the last one but I heard it was a great event and everyone had lots of fun. Come out and see my new designs!


Jennifer Perkins said...

hey red im gathering pictures of crafty red heads for a fun post on my blog naughty secretary club and would love to include you. have a head shot of you in your red glory you coukd email to info@naughtysecretaryclub.com?

jason butler said...

Harriet loves her necklace! Thanks for participating in the market, we loved having ya!


Jen said...

I'm so glad. Harriet is a doll. I was happy to see her wearing it at Shop Austin.